About TDRC

Student Information Protection:
CSU Fullerton and all Cal State Universities work to ensure all students feel welcomed and have the tools they need to succeed, regardless of immigration status. The Titan Dreamers Resource Center is committed to making undocumented students at CSU Fullerton feel safe and supported by providing immigration legal services, personal and professional development programs, and connecting students to financial and academic resources. According to federal and state law, any information submitted on your college admission and/or financial aid applications will not put you or your family at risk. CSU Fullerton will not release any personally identifiable student information, including data related to immigration status, without a judicial warrant, subpoena, or court order, unless authorized by the student or required by law.


For nearly 30 years, a dedicated and passionate group of staff and faculty at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) has assisted undocumented students in their pursuit of higher education. In Spring 2008, then Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Robert L. Palmer, and then Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ephraim Smith, established an AB 540 Student Services Committee in response to concerns involving undocumented CSUF students. This committee comprised faculty, staff, administrators, and matriculated students familiar with the challenges facing undocumented and AB 540 students. They examined critical issues such as the admissions process, access to programs and services, retention, graduation, and developed recommendations to improve the campus climate. These recommendations for programs and services would be available to the benefit of all students. 

Shortly after her arrival in July 2012, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Berenecea Johnson Eanes, began meeting with student groups to facilitate a campus-wide discussion about the role of cultural centers in supporting student success. The development of a center for undocumented students was one of many needs articulated by students during these conversations. The resulting Titan Dreamers Resource Center (TDRC) is part of an ongoing effort to reinvigorate cultural centers on campus and ensure that resources and services are available to all CSUF Titans. A Vision Committee was created and began meeting in November 2013 to draft the vision, mission, and multi-year goals of what is now the Titan Dreamers Resource Center. 

The Titan Dreamers Resource Center is located on the first floor of the south side of the library and is open and available to all students. Its resources and services are available to everyone, providing a supportive environment where all students can benefit from academic, financial, and emotional support, regardless of their immigration status. 


Jenny Chung, M.A.   (she/her/hers)

Coordinator, Titan Dreamers Resource Center
